Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To eat "chikin" or not to eat "chikin," that is today's question

If you've logged into facebook even once or twice this past week, you've been barraged with adds about Chick-Fil-A Day, standing up for biblical marriage, and eating more "chikin." And today (THE day) seems that everyone has some sort of opinion to share.

Honestly, it's awesome that everyone is all "roweled" up. In the end, that is truly what this controversy is about. Sure, the owner of the restaurant was asked his beliefs on marriage, and he gave his answer. But this controversy is not really about "anti homosexuals"...or "hate"'s about freedom...freedom to believe what you want, build a business based on those beliefs, and SAY, RANT, or SHOUT what you believe, and not fear bullying from the powers that be. This is about the first amendment. This is about freedom of speech. This is about capitalism. And there are so many who have given their very lives for those ideals, so I will not be afraid to eat a chicken sandwich (or salad in my case) supporting them in some small way.

But what really bothers me are statements from (well-meaning, I'm sure) friends who make statements about supporters of Chick-Fil-A being "insensitive" or lacking "love."

At first I wondered if they were right. Maybe this is whole campaign is stupid. I mean, it is correct that truth should still be presented in the right way.

However, it is never "insensitive" to state the truth. And it is never "sensitive" or somehow spiritually more elite to hush those who do have something to say about the truth. "Well, buying that chicken sandwich isn't helping any homosexuals come to know Jesus!" they might argue. Perhaps it is not, but neither is quieting someone declaring the truth. Chick-Fil-A never said they hated those who practice homosexuality.

Except for Jesus Christ in my life, I am EVERY BIT as dirty. EVERY BIT as desperate before the throne of grace. EVERY BIT as needy. And I am capable of any sin. any. But in light of His glorious grace, oh, can't we see that if we have the truth, we must not stay silent! Yes, speak the truth in love, but don't let "sensitivity" silence you, because it's not "sensitive" to quietly watch as people walk to hell. Don't mask passivity with alleged kindness. It's not a favor.

Keep the faith,
Audrey Ann

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your post, sister. Thanks for sharing. As Paul Newman said, "If you don't have enemies, you don't have character." Sometimes it hurts to stand for right, but we have to. We are NEVER to endorse wrong. Trying to bully someone for exercising their right to believe what they want is just plain un-American and should not be allowed to stand in our free country. Wow, what crazy times we live in, sis. In any case, yes, let's keep the faith and fight the good fight. In the end, it's all about the Gospel. To some we are an aroma, to others a stench. This recent ordeal I think is a good test of where our country is at morally. God help us and God bless the USA.



    I love you. <3
