Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Unadventure: Everyday Tasks with Eternal Perspective

"Teach me the happy art of attending to things 
temporal with mind intent on things eternal."

The Valley of Vision

There are many wonders about island life. There are also many lies. There's this one about how I lie on the beach all day sipping smoothies to a live reggae band, breeze in my hair and enticing novel in my hand. But I don't. 

Perhaps once a month there will be a magical day like that, but most days are ordinary days, days much like anywhere else. I stand in grocery store lines and swerve to avoid hitting people in traffic. I feel too far from certain people I love.

I do laundry, make dinner for my husband, and sweep the floor. I yell at Sue (the dog) to stop barking at the poor cat who broke her leg and subsequently took Sue's favorite shaded spot. And I open my arms wide, hoping to get some breeze. It can be so very hot. Shirts do not last me very long here. Just sayin'.

The island is great for adventure, from hiking, to snorkeling, to interacting with so many diverse cultures. I love it. However, it is not those activities that define my time here. It's playing with my dog. It's kissing my husband goodnight at the fire station and driving home alone. It's laughing at the hilarious toddlers we teach in Sunday school who always think Eric is my dad.

There are days I have looked down into the sink and thought, what am I doing with my life?! And then God reminds me that living for Him involves the everyday things, the mundane things, the boring things.Sometimes those are the greatest mountains we can know.  

All these "little tasks" are ways to take care of my family and can be ways of showing Christ's love and commitment.

Am I doing these things with joy, with love for Him and trust in Him? Sure, wild adventures are great, but it seems to me that what defines a person's character is not what they do when the epic music is playing in the background, but what they do when it's not. 

Those dishes matter. That laundry matters. They matter because the people using them matter. And while Jesus performed miracles for a few years, it seems that He spent most of His time on earth in His dad's shop. Just remember that. 

Keep the Faith,

Audrey Ann

Photo Credit: Google (free) Images/

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