Friday, August 1, 2014

Waiting Is an Action Verb

"Annnnd...ACTION!" You don't have to look very hard to realize that as a culture, we are addicted to action, to adventure, and to thrills. From movies to Go-Pro cameras, we are always looking for the next adrenaline fix. We connect such escapades with the value of a life. "He went skydiving! He is so lame," said no one ever. We feel that a quiet life is a waste, right? So, punch your fist in the air and shoot off into the galaxy, just like Superman. Oh, wait. That's pretend.

My husband is a firefighter. And while there is much to be done in other areas of his job (medicals, flight line emergencies, etc), there just aren't that many fires around here. Due to frequent storms and the mold caused by humidity, island homes are principally made from concrete, rather than wood. Therefore, they are quite resistant to flames.

But his job is not merely to fight fires, it is to be ready to fight fires. He has spent thousands of hours training (both himself and others), pouring over literature, practicing with the trucks, and organizing materials. I am so proud of him.

Isn't he darling?

We say we want the battlefield of life: the front lines, the excitement. However, are we willing to train in the quiet moments? Are we willing to sweat and study when the pressure is off? Are we willing to wait?

Waiting is an action verb. It requires discipline, resolve, and choosing to make the most of the moment, even when that moment does not offer what you want. 

I remember when I was praying and hoping for my future husband, I learned that waiting was one of the greatest challenges. And the waiting continues for our entire lives. We are always waiting, waiting for that next thing we desire in life. Perhaps it's a spouse, perhaps a child, a job, a house, a severed relationship we want mended, or maybe it's just a well-deserved nap.

But true waiting is not sitting idle. Waiting involves trusting in God and doing what is necessary to prepare. It requires faith and steadfast courage on the days when hope seems futile and our dreams like fairytales in another tongue. 

There are days I feel like certain dreams may never be fulfilled, but as I lay them before my Savior, I realize that He does not require me to have the answers of tomorrow. He simply wants me to do my best with today, to prepare, to work, to train for that next thing. Even if I never see that dream come to fruition, I know that I will see my Lord one day. In the end, all we are really waiting on is Him. And as we wait, He is there. 

Keep the Faith,
Audrey Ann

"Lead me in your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long."
Psalm 25:5

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