Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wrestling God: Seeking or Sulking?

I grew up in wonderful, quirky, intellectual, slightly awkward, and totally hilarious homeschool land. Everything (including volleyball matches) either opened or ended with prayer (and perhaps both). Arguments amongst friends consisted chiefly of Arminianism vs. Calvinism, drums or no drums, types of “communion,” and whether or not women needed to wear skirts in order to be saved (or at least truly sanctified). Of course we had normal clique drama and crushes on boys, blah, blah, blah. But it was a special and selective kind of growing up. And I wouldn't trade it for any sum of money.

It seems, however, that as we age and life shifts, twists, and even tips us upside down, we’re starting to question everything, especially God. 

Life isn’t what we thought.

I recently overheard a conversation of two ladies my age and one of them said, “All I know is that there is a God…and that’s about it.”

I have camped in those woods a few nights, folks.

Many of us are festering, infected wounds. We were taught moralistic math equations: “If you do THIS, then you’ll get THAT.” Well, that’s not always true.

Our parents can’t shield us forever, even though we were so blessed that they did for a season.

Recently I had a little breakdown in the kitchen, and I told my mom I was just “wrestling” right now…like, you know, with God, with life, and with truth.And I won’t forget her words: “You can’t wrestle forever.”

Jacob did get up. And he was blessed.

Some would argue that life is a constant state of wrestling with God, in the sense that we’re struggling in this world to know Him, get His blessing, seek His face. But for me, I think she was telling me, “Audrey Ann, you can’t be mad that life is not like you thought…forever.”

Sin is ugly. And when a person douses themselves in it, it’s bound to be a sticky mess on everyone they touch, especially those closest…and this includes my anger.

Sure, I’m justified to be hurt, but I am not justified to let my blood flow tainted from a bitter heart.

I don’t want to just “know that there is a God.” I want to love, glorify, live for, and feel the breath of the true and living GOD! Maybe I must wrestle harder, later, deeper into the night like Jacob.

So, here I go…the journey to no more bitterness under the banner of “wrestling.”

Here’s to true wrestling with joy.

I am so thankful for His tender love and the way He holds me, even when I am weak and limp.
And I am thankful for a mama who still gives me swift spankings (though they are now verbal, and not with that bless-ed, black whacker we once had sitting on top of the toilet). :)

Keep the faith,
Audrey Ann

1 comment:

  1. I love this passage of Jacob wrestling. I believe that Jacob was blessed because of his tenaciousness and single dependency on God. I mean, he didn't stop wrestling with the Angel of The Lord (cf. Hos. 12:3--"[Jacob] contended with God") even after he dislocated his thigh and said "let me go." Instead he said "I will not let you go UNLESS YOU BLESS ME" (!) I think that more often than not our problem is that we quit wrestling with God too soon. We don't wrestle with Him as though He is the only hope. We are too easily given up when we don't get some quick and easy answers from Him and fatally look to others for "blessings" that we think we want and deserve; if God doesn't answer our prayers in the way we expect and/or within the time limit we set, we seek to answer our prayers ourselves; we are willing to follow God's will as long as it is compatible to our plans; and just like the majority of the followers of Christ in John 6, we are glad to follow Him when He feeds us and satisfies us but are quick to complain and even to dispute His authority when we have difficulties trying to adjust His Word to our experiences. I think what you ought to do when you don't "feel" God nearness--or EVEN IF God is really distancing Himself from you--is to say with Peter, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life!" and cling to Him even harder as thought your life depends on it--because it really does--UNTIL He blesses and fulfills His promises. So keep the faith--keep wrestling--keep clinging. I'm preaching to myself....
